Friday, March 17, 2006

Light a candle...

The flat Matt and I lived in when we first married had no central (or other) heating and sash windows that weren't just single glazed but also let in draughts. It was pretty chilly - we could see our breath in the air - and we resorted to lighting loads of candles to take the edge off the chill.

As the gas people informed me yesterday (by the time I got home their office had shut and the contact number they gave me referrred me to another phone number which was also not being answered) that they were turning my gas off all day today and that if no-one was in today it would be off all weekend, we have no central heating. So I've gone back to candles - shut in the study with13 tea-lights. It's actually quite warm - in comparison to the rest of the house.

We try not to have the heating on too much, due to the price of gas and the whole global warming thing. However, it is cold. At least, when the gas runs out, we'll have an alternative - though I imagine candle prices will start going up... And what is candle wax made of?


Anonymous said...

Candle wax can be made of paraffin wax, but it is traditionally made from beeswax or animal fat, both very sustainable, and I would consider beeswax vegetarian-friendly, as I don't believe bees are harmed in the harvesting of it.
But yes, proper beeswax is probably more expensive than whatever Ikea make tealights out of. I'm going to have to go look it up now.

Julesy said...

You could always come to Em's St Paddy's Day party tonight.....go on, you know you want to.

Sarah said...

I think you can make them out of vegetable wax too. It's definitely a sustainable form of heating - as long as they take less energy to make than they produce in heat.

I'm planning to go to Em's party but am developing a dissertation-inspired headache which may prevent me.

Fat Roland said...

You need to listen to Bloc Party's 'Like Eating Glass'. It's an anthem for people with no central heating.