Thursday, November 22, 2007

In the bleak mid-winter

I am looking forward to the day that cryostasis becomes reality. I will get them to stick me in the deep freeze round about mid-october and take me out again in mid- to late-march. I will even co-ordinate my departure and arrival so it gets dark at roughly the same time so I won't feel disorientated, like I do when the clocks go back.

I suppose the alternative would be to spend six months of the year in Australia. That would be a little less pleasingly sci-fi though.


Merlin said...

There are problems with cryostasis. Just ask Lister

Sarah said...

I think I'm a bit safer due to not being in space.

Though it's a bit risky relying on someone else being prepared to wake me up - they might decide they like it better without me!

Ephrael said...

How about hab-domes?

Full climate control, but without missing the cake season.