Saturday, October 07, 2006

Things I like, things I don't like

I've been left alone at work - Andy, my Neighbourhood Management Officer, is off for nearly two weeks. Today, the first day, I turn up to work to discover a tenant has set her kitchen on fire. My suspicion is that Andy did it just to make life more challenging.

I also have a child protection conference to attend on Tuesday. This is the only thing in my job which I haven't enjoyed. Some bits are not very exciting, some even border on dull (copy this information onto this form - why, that sounds delightful) but most of it I like.

I'm finding antisocial behaviour (ASB) work very interesting. Aside from the opportunity to nose into people's lives - it's legitimised gossip - I'm really interested in how we as a housing association deal with ASB and how it should be dealt with from a societal point of view.

We're different from a lot of agencies - social workers, family support, drug and alcohol abuse workers - in that we look at people on a societal level. While a lot of agencies seem to focus on the family and support and understnd their behaviour, we look at how their behaviour affects the wider community. This appears to produce some tensions.

This has made me think again about the Declaration of Children's Rights. This states, among other things, that adults should always do what is best for children. I have a real issue with this. It's not always possible or desirable to protect a child's best interests. For example, one tenant makes other people's lives a nightmare, making them keep their children indoors all the time. This tenant has children and, while evicting them would not be in their best interests, in might be in the best interests of other children and other (non-child) tenants. I think children should be protected and cared for by society, but not necessarily prioritised all the time.

Today a large spider fell from the ceiling onto my leg. This resulted in high-pitched screaming and spidercide. Spider-season is upon us and I am not happy.


Fat Roland said...

I think all children should be grated into an edible phial and shot with a large cannon into the mouth of a Bengal tiger.

I like children really; maybe I'd just use a catapult.

I also like spiders. You can send me your spiders if you like.

Sarah said...

In defence of children (bet you never thought you'd hear ME say those words!, some of them are ok and their mothers usually like them.

I am going to my godson's fifth birthday party today and I wouldn't like him fed to a tiger.

The rest I'm not so fussed about.

JoeyD said...

I'm with you with the spider thing. I so hate the little blighters. I will leave my home and my city on the account of them.

Anonymous said...

Spiders are OK.. they have a job - to eat all the flies.

Flies I have an issue with. These seem to have no purpose.

Anonymous said...

Spiders are evil. Children are evil. Spider children....nothing in the world has been classified under the 1985 Evil Scale as more evil.
