Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Dinner a deux

Matt and I went out for dinner tonight. It was really lovely - we discovered an Italian restaurant a few hundred metres from our house, where we ate too much. We haven't been out just us really since I broke my leg - to tiring/complicated/painful/busy moving house/whoops ran out of money etc. And do you know what, I think we should do it again.

Work is still busy. Andy, who I currently work with, is ending his secondment early. This has big implications for me. I love working with Andy as it's a lot of fun and I'm learning a lot. Currently I have no idea where they're going to get a replacement from or when or whether I will like them much. Andy is very good at encouraging me to do loads of things and get good experience, so I hope whoever replaces him also does that. I have been promised that he will be replaced - I hope there isn't a big gap.

Have been upsetting some tenants and meeting some less-than-pleasing tenants. Being effective at getting things done and apologising to tenants for the things which should be done but aren't. Discovering that until you have to actually find solutions to anti-social behaviour problems you have very little idea how difficult they are to resolve. I still like it but in a less shiny way.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Your job sounds really interesting. Something that I find increasingly irritating is 'armchair politics' - where people sit in their (or my) living room watching the news and opining on what should be done to solve this, that and the other social problem whilst doing absolutely nothing about it (let alone seeking any evidence to support their views). It sounds like you're at the sharp end of some of society's big issues there.

The dinner out sounds good too - my best nights out are when we don't have far to walk home afterwards!! (not that we go out much)