Saturday, December 29, 2007

Pretty shoes...

So, I'm still worrying about the seizures - every time I feel 'funny' I wonder if I'm going to have another one. I try not to tell Matt every time I'm worried - there's no point in both of us worrying all the time. And he'd only try to ring me to check I'm ok, and I would have left my phone on silent, and he'd have to decide whether to rush home to check I'm not dead. Life has got slightly more complicated recently.

I'm also back to worrying about my essays. One is due on 18th and one on 25th January. I've emailed the course leader and my personal tutor to explain I'm having difficulties - I've been tired since the fit - I tried to do an hour's studying last Sunday and had to have an hour's nap in the afternoon. My personal tutor is amazing. She rings me up and runs through the options with me. I'm hoping to be allowed to put one essay off until the summer. Now I just have to try to work up the energy to study rather than look at Facebook.

I had lots of fun shopping yesterday - I'm going to a New Year's Eve cocktail party. Clearly I need a new dress. And some pretty shoes. I found both... though I am still no good at shoe-shopping - I wished to invoke the spirit of L1z but had to manage on my own... Which I did...

It was harder than you would imagine to find a pair of shoes with less than a 4" heel. I've decided that when there's a season of clothing which really suits you, you should run out and buy everything you can find as it will not happen again for at least four years...


1 i z said...

Ooh I heartily approve!

As for the theory of rushing out and buying everything you can in the season when fashion suits you...I think I'm still waiting for that season ;-)

Might as well get some practice in with the old store cards in the meantime...

Caroline said...

they are definetly excellent shoes and i think at least 3 pairs in avaiable colours are called for. With matching outfits of course.
Naturally there will be nothing suitable in the sale but like Liz if you go shopping now to, in theory, look in the sale you will come across some perfectly lovely non sale items I'm sure...then you can buy some of each and feel very virtuos.

9/10ths Full of Penguins said...



(Psssst - are they good? I have no idea about shoes....)

Happy New Year!

Sarah said...

I find that when I go looking for a jumper I see a very nice pair of jeans, but when I'm looking for jeans I can't find any I like, though there are lot of other non-jeans-items which look quite nice. It's why I hate shopping so much.