Saturday, January 19, 2008

Technological advice request...

Ok, my clever and technologically aware friends, I am thinking of buying a lap-top in the near future and would like some advice. My current desktop is a bit old and slow and gets tired and confused when asked to do too many things. And I'd like to be able to work all over the house and occasionally take it out and about with me - to work on the train, at university or at my mother-in-law's in Skye, for example.

I want to use it to:

  1. Look at Facebook.
  2. Listen to the comedy programme I like on Radio 4, which was on yesterday, in the kitchen, rather than Front Row.
  3. Store all my photos and every essay I have ever written, plus 50 versions of my cv, just in case I do need an out-of-date cv to apply for an admin job at some point.
  4. Listen to music.
  5. Skype my best friend in Indonesia. I liked the idea of having a webcam to do this, until she pointed out that their internet connection is too poor to support webcam use and talking at the same time. But still...
  6. Have 13 journal articles open at the same time.
  7. Play World of Warcraftbadly and sulk because all my friends have levelled their characters faster than me. I maintain this is because I have a life.

I'd like to get something which will last me a long time and won't need replacing too soon. I'm expecting to spend more than £500 but hopefully not too much more. If it looked nice that would be a bonus, and if it was light and mobile, that would also be a bonus, but fairly low down my list of priorities. If could have a big screen for playing WoW, but still be small and easy to carry, that would be... miraculous?

So, advice? Who makes good laptops? What do you find really useful in yours? How do you find it for playing games? Any recommendations?



Merlin said...

My advice, in all honesty, is don't get a laptop. I have one for work, and that isn't technically true because in 7 years I ahve got through 5. They are not as reliable, not as fast and generally not as good as a desktop. If I didn't travel so much I would ditch mine.

And you play World of Warcraft. I would never have thought it. I plyed it for a while but still prefer Everquest, although top rating multi-person on-liner is EVE, without a shadow of doubt.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I don't play as much as I'd like because I'm too busy studying. I'm a secret Wow player...

Matt plays EVE. It looks like the most boring game ever - just flying round in a spaceship mining things and shooting people...

Anonymous said...

You don't need speed (any current laptop will do the job).. but for Wow you're going to need Memory (the more the better) and Graphics power.

Personally I'd be looking at something like

If you can get XP on it rather than Vista - the graphics drivers are much more mature and run faster (on my laptop XP has 4 times the framerate as Vista).

I tried EVE myself and just never saw the point in it..It's not so much the flying around shooting people it's the endless flying around not seeing anyone else at all that for me.

Anonymous said...

Darn link didn't work.


Anonymous said...

mines a samsung r20 which works fine and dandy. i got it from john lewis's because they do a free 2 year warrenty.

Sarah said...

Do you find it ok for playing wow on? Or does it get a bit cramped?

Anonymous said...

i kinda cheat having my old monitor hooked up for wow....but the laptop screen is a decent enough size for wow...

Sarah said...

Oh yes, "two-screens sheepy", I think they call you...

Anonymous said...

well its better than some of my nick-names! :)

Crashandburn said...

I bought a Mac Book last year as a new laptop and it does everything I need of it. Email, web-browsing, nicely syncs with my iPod, has office (or free alternatives) and plays WoW (and just because I have a raiding character does not mean I don't have a life :P )

It also has the advantage of looking pretty should this be high on your requirements.

Sarah said...

No, my argument about having a life doesn't actually stand because all I do with my time is go to work and write essays about social housing managemetn and the use of regeneration funding. I think, even among the general population who wouldn't play Wow if you paid them, you'd win over me in terms of having a life.

But Macs cost a squillion pounds and only have a 3" screen* - see here.

*There may be some exaggeration there...