Monday, February 08, 2010

I did not know...

... that babies take up so much time.
... just how tired I would be.
... how confusing it is to love someone so much when they stop me sleeping so often.
... how little there is worth watching at 5am.
... that my life would change so completely.


Mary Beth said...

And there's no way to tell someone all those things. You just have to experience it for yourself. Big hugs!

Eva said...

Very good post - you have summed it up for me especially in the one about love & sleep!

9/10ths Full of Penguins said...

If I ever finds myself sleepless at 5am the Skysports news channel sends me right back off...

Sarah said...

I actually record daytime tv to watch at 5am. Relocation Relocation mainly, and variants of it - Kirstie and Phil are my new best friends.

Mary Beth - I know, people say it's hard and tiring, but I never imagined quite how tiring or what sort of hard it would be.

Fat Roland said...

I am in awe of you. You're ace.

To be honest, quite a few of those points could apply to living with Matt, surely?

Sarah said...

Yes, living with Matt was the first big shock. I didn't realise we'd both have to compromise...