Thursday, October 27, 2005

M for Manchester, M for Martens

Over the past few days, the weather's been pretty bad. Apart from today, the hottest October in 170 years, or some other implausible amount of time (if it's longer than I've been alive, it's a bit unlikely, really. What are the chances that my parents had any sort of real life before I was born?). Every time I've left a building, buckets of water have emptied over my head. My jeans are soaked and flap wetly around my ankles. I hate being damp. And my left boot has had a crack in the sole for a while. So the water comes through and then I have a wet foot, and the next day I have to either put a wet boot on or wear my trainers which then get completely soaked through in the next torrential downpour.

However, now, thanks to Ryanofstoke, I have some new (well, new to me) Doc Martens. Thank you, ebay! And they're not black!!! My first ever not-black pair. Admittedly, they are midnight blue. So nearly black. The good thing about second-hand docs is that the initial wearing-in has been done. These still need a little work. But I'm pleased at the prospect of dry feet.

So here's my question - what impact has ebay had on charities? Because I used to buy my docs from charity shops and now I buy them from ebay. Do people sell stuff on ebay they would have sold in charity shops? Has anyone investigated this???


LauraHD said...

We had EXACTLY this conversation last night (down the pub of course) about how ebay is an almighty jumble sale and ticket tout hang out now... so sad and so boring. Who has the time I ask you?

Sarah said...

Being a hermit and recluse, as I am quickly becoming, I love the way that with Ebay you can buy everything from home and the postman brings it to my door. Also you can search for what you want rather than being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of mainly horrible things in a charity shop. On the other hand, in a charity shop you can actually see what you are getting, you can browse along a shelf of books and find things you didn't know you wanted and spend £20 while feeling virtuous because the money is going to charity. And nothing gets lost in the post and no-one steals your money without sending the goods.

Senor Dunc said...

apparently, you can now set the money from your ebay sales to go direct to a charity - although perhaps that's only on the american website. cracking idea though...

JoeyD said...

I have to be honest, I have NEVER investigated this. EVER. I am, however, very pleased that you have new shoes. No danger of trench foot now, then.x

Sarah said...

No, no danger of trenchfoot, which is a relief. However, they rub. Largely they rub the back of my hells. Which brings a new concern. PErhaps they'll rub so much that they;'ll cut all the way through and my feet will fall off? That would not make me happy.

Sarah said...

That would be heels. Apologies. Pretty shoddy punctuation as well. Blows my cover as someone who can use English properly.