Wednesday, December 21, 2005

It's not like I haven't tried...

Why aren't I asleep? Is it because:

(a) I have a cold so I keep sneezing and blowing my nose?
(b) My brain is busy thinking about all the different things I want to do so won't go to sleep?
(c) I'm a big fat slug who just sits around not doing enough exercise to actually need any sleep?
(d) All of the above?

If you answered (d), well done!

This has given me some insight into why Matt is quite often tired. Every time I sneezed, he would half wake up, fumble for the light and mutter "shush-shush-shush-it's-ok". Which is presumably what he does every time I have one of my weird nightmares. Poor boy...


Sarah said...

Poor Chris - that's awful. And poor you too. Yet again, I'm thinking how nice it would be to have a bed of my own, where I don't have to worry about disturbing Matt if I can't sleep.

Sarah said...

How did he do it?

Senor Dunc said...

You've only be married about a month and you want a bed of your own? You're crazy. Just drug him with Night Nurse and you can get on with being ill without fear.