Saturday, November 18, 2006

Flash! A-aah!

A few weeks ago we looked after **i* and R***'s gerbils while they were in Canadia. They wre pretty annoying - they'd always make scrabbling noises in the corner of their tank while we were trying to watch tv - and it's pretty disconcerting to hear funny noises in the house when you know you're the only peron in it.

But once they'd gone, we missed them. And they were pretty cute. So on Monday we went out and bought some gerbils of our own. Matt's is black and is called Scamp. Mine is black and white and is called Flash. And is quite clearly much cuter.

Sadly, however, they do not seem to like us very much. They hide in their play tunnel and only come out when we're not looking. This makes me quite sad. I hope eventually they get used to us and want to be friends with us...


Anonymous said...

Well, goddammit, now you've given away my secret identity! I hope that you realise all repurcusions from this are your fault. Civilisation could collapse, the streets will run red with blood and anarchy will reign. And all because you linked to me by name...

Ah well. Good luck with the rodents, I'm off to initiate Plan Omega.

Fat Roland said...

Yeah, I think Erin and Ryan's gerbils were pretty annoying too. They'd steal my shoes then crayon crude pictures of willies on my TV.

Erin and Ryan's gerbils. Bastards.

Sarah said...

Sorry about that. See how I have turned you into a four-letter-word?

Anonymous said...

Our gerbils are the sweetest, cutest and funniest gerbils I know (haven't met scamp and flash yet!). I hate to disagree with people (really ..honest guv), but our gerbils couldn't draw pictures of willies because they can't hold the crayons. So I think its best to just admit it was you.

Now chewing stuff...that would be them!

Please can I become a mysterous 4 letter word?

Fat Roland said...

Is a sheeop a shop that sells sheep?

Anonymous said...

No, its a title that has been passed down through generations of Sheeops. Legend tells of the First Sheeop, who brought the sheeo* down from the hills. This became the accepts means of choosing the elder for the village and finally my family became entrusted with the care of the sheeo's. Thus, the honoured title of The Sheeop become part of my family.

Through urban development the use of the sheeo's has gone forever, but the title remains as a reminder of our roots.

*Sheeo's, a rare breed of animal found only in certain parts of the country up until early 18th century.

Sarah said...

I hope you are pleased with your four letter word.

You should come and visit our gerbils soon. They love the little house you gave them - it is already buried under an ice-age of sawdust.

And there is no sign of willy-graffitti so far.

Fat Roland said...

Maybe they don't have willies. Maybe they used to be male but they had an operation to become female. "He" became a "she". Now... what's the name of that operation again?...

..oh yes. A sheeop. Now it all makes sense.

Anonymous said...

I like my 4 letter word, thankyou!

I look forward to seeing scamp and flah (aaahhhh)! I am sure they will jolly cute!!!!!

Sadly, the tale of the sheeo's and the sheeops is true, there is no operation invloved in this tale. Long life to the Sheeops!