Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I am back from Greenbelt.  I had the BEST time ever, in the world, ever.  I have had a bath and do not smell any more.

I did some awesome things.  I also did some... other things.  Here's a short list:
  1. I got caught by my team leaders pretending to be a horse and doing an olympic-style dismount from a pub bench, in the space of 40 minutes, the latter following the 'awesome timing' phrase, "I'm glad Zippie and Merlin didn't see that".
  2. I had an opportunity to tell someone not to set themselves on fire again.
  3. I nearly got to set a gazebo on fire but Rob Safety wouldn't let me.  I think Guilty would have let me.
  4. I may have been caught having a small sit-down on the campsite when I was supposed to be patrolling.
  5. I pretended to mourn (loudly) a boy who pretended to die.  This was necessary.  I didn't ask him if he was a horse.
  6. I nearly got run over by a fire-engine.  Twice.  And by Merlin once.
  7. I fell over in the mud.
  8. I learnt to play cat's cradle.  Honestly, don't bother.  It is the most pointless activity ever.
  9. I didn't poke anyone in the eye.
  10. I may have been a bit annoying.  Occasionally.
I love support team...


Merlin said...

I would like to point out that, technically, Greenbelt was finished when I nearly ran you over, and I have told my 6 year old not to walk directly behind cars when the engine is running

Sarah said...

I thought you were stuck. I was trying to help... Another 'didn't think it through' moment...

Rob (the ergonomist). said...

And thank you for involving me in your evening.

It was special.

Sarah said...

Rob, you are always welcome. You are my favourite safety person by far, and the one I would most like to deal with while being hyperactive and wanting to set things on fire. I think everyone else would try to have me escorted off site.

The Cap'n said...

I still maintain that trying to bounce me off my feet was not one of your best ideas - remind me who was on the floor at the end?