Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Greenbelt!!!! And... erm... having children.

I'm heading down to Greenbelt today - as I'm stewarding I'm going down early to hang out with my stewarding friends. It's been a roller-coaster ride of weather-emotions over the past few days: Saturday was rubbish - terrible Greenbelt weather. Sunday things seemed to be looking up. A perfect pre-Greenbelt sunny day. Monday it rained again. Yesterday was beautiful and today - when it really matters - it's pissing it down. I'm looking forward to going and sitting outside my tent in the sun (have sun cream) reading or chatting to friends. Not huddling in my tent in the rain.

I'm hoping to have a lot of fun, not lose my voice shouting at people to stand in a queue (different kind of stewarding this year) and maybe work out my relationship with God a little bit. Minor questions such as 'do I really believe in God?' That sort of thing.

This year I'm going to be camping with friends from Sanctus and my sister will also be coming. It should be really good - an opportunity to spend time with lots of people I like but don't see as much as I'd like. And they aren't the sort of people to get up too early - I'm working 7pm-3am each night!

I'm also taking We Need to Talk About Kevin with me. I've heard about this book and looked at it in Waterstones but it was quite expensive so I didn't buy it. But we have a book group at work so I put it into the suggestions envelope and it got picked out... so I had to buy it! It's about a woman whose son goes on a killing spree at his school and gets sent to prison. She writes to her estranged husband about Kevin and his upbringing. Apparently it's a book for everyone who has ever thought about having children. I do think about having children - with fear and dread and loathing... I don't hate children - I just don't particularly want them and particularly not now, when I'm about to set out on my dazzling academic career...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

going camping and reading a book about murder....good mix!