Thursday, May 01, 2008

New! New! New!

I'm sitting in my kitchen writing this.  This is exciting because my computer is in the attic.  My old computer, that is.  After months of deliberation, investigation and saving up money, I've bought a macbook.  The novelty of being able to check my email anywhere in the house is immense and incredibly enjoyable.

My computers have all been old, slow and inherited, put together from leftover parts from other people's computers, and tended with much love by Matt.  So it's very exciting to get to choose a computer.  Having itunes which doesn't have Matt's dubious taste in music on is amazing.  Having a computer that is completely empty and waiting for me to fill it up with my rubbish is very exciting.

It's also exciting because I'm new to macs.  So far it is beautiful, but slightly frustrating - trying to cut and paste is near impossible...  It just doesn't work like a pc.  It's supposed to all work together beautifully, but working out how to get it to do that can be a challenge.

And it's new because I'm on my own.  Matt is pretty good with pcs and has always looked after mine.  I'm good with software and the internet, but I know nothing about hardware*.  Matt knows nothing at all about macs.  It's kind of exciting but just a little bit scary...

Right, I'm going to have a bath.  But even I, new to macs as I am, know not to try to check my email in the bath...

*Apart from graphics cards.  Due to my old one being rubbish and my computer being too rubbish to run anything better, I've spent a lot of time taking graphics cards in and out of my computer.  I know how to do that!


rach said...

That is very exciting... you'll never go back :-)

Anonymous said...

Have FUN!!!!
I don't like computers very much at the moment. I am currently in a house with 3 computers. Last night I was desperately needing to do many things involving the internet. One computer is very old and has no internet connection. The second is quite new and should be connected to the internet but won't for some strange reason. The third does connect to the internet but the batteries powering the keyboard decided to stop working so that I couldn't actually use that computer at all... I hope you have far more success with your Mac. Happily today I have managed to buy some batteries.... Shopping, on a Sunday? HOW SHOCKING, I hear you say. I know this should destine me for hell, but I'm hoping that on this one occasion God will be incredibly gracious and forgive me since all the stuff I needed to do on the internet was for other people's benefit... Hope you enjoyed your bath! love Clare.x

Sarah said...

I don't really like wireless stuff that much - in my experience, the inconvenience of having a wire is far outweighed by the inconvenience of batteries running out or things being in the way of the sensor or a million other complications.

Oh, except wireless internet connections. I think that is amazing!

Do you know, I was looking into getting a cable to connect my laptop the the printer and wondered if I could get some sort of bluetooth device. I couldn't find a bluetooth printer thing for less than about £50! Which seems really quite peculiar to me!